Apparently it is a malfunction of a bipartite sign in which the bottom and top halves of the digits are operated separately. If so, what other new digits can we come up with? A woo (top looks like a 1, the bottom like a 2) looks like a question mark? without the dot. A throur (between 3 and 4) looks like Captain Hook's bad hand. A seight (between 7 and 8) looks like a bird riding on a unicycle. And so forth.
But can these newfangled digits really measure what's coming up with oil? It may be nearing a peak, in which case we can expect those price signs to continue to go up frantically, like a bouncing Wal-Mart happy (or maybe sad) face hitting a price sign and causing the price to go up instead of down. Indeed, I wonder where we will get the energy and the oil we need in the future after we reach the peak. Maybe if that happens, the crazy digit in the price will mean exactly what means: we will all be in a fix.
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